Regular Character Illustration

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Note: The artist's still working on their chibi and anime styled illustration. They won't be available until further improvement and style's stability.

Main Artstyle

Updated: 05.01.2024Note: Pricelist updates occasionally, please be sure to check it from time to time.The following illustrations are Jet's main art style, and are fully rendered artworks. See more samples on the GALLERY section.

SHOULDERS-UP/HEADSHOT (Close-up)Simple Coloring: $30+
Fully Rendered: $45+

BUST-UPSimple Coloring: $45+
Fully Rendered: $60+

HIPS-UPSimple Coloring: $60+
Fully Rendered: $80+

KNEES-UPSimple Coloring: $80+
Fully Rendered: $100+

FULL BODYSimple Coloring: $100+
Fully Rendered: $150+

Prices shown above are for personal use and per character only (basic design and no background).
Prices will still vary per add on/s. See table below.

Additional Character70% of the base priceTakes charge per additional/extra character in a canvas.
BackgroundVaries per details, ranges from 50-100 USDSimple background only. Not accepting detailed ones in this commission type. Please refer to full concept/detailed illustration rates (inquire directly).
Distinct detailsVaries per detail, ranges from 50-100 USDVaries per element (ex: custom accessories, props, detailed clothes, custom tattoo or body marks, etc.).
Commercial Use (1)100% of the base priceCommercial (broadcast) use; (usually) targets the market through digital means with a purpose of advertising/exposure and/or anything to gain in exchange (not necessarily in a monetary means) like in: vlogs, streams, YouTube, Twitch, etc. Also included in this section are: flyers, posters, banners, and such, as well as trades (product to product), freebies, etc.
Commercial Use (2)150% of the base priceCommercial (distribution) use; targets physical market with a purpose of monetary gain including: prints for sale, book/novel cover for publishing, logo for business product, stickers, merchandise, etc.


While simple coloring illustration is mostly base/flat colors with a little cel shading, fully rendered illustration is more detailed soft shading, and it usually comes with effects and scenic lighting.



Anime Style

ScaleFlat colorFully rendered
Bust up$25+$45+
Hips up$35+$65+
Knees up$45+$85+
Whole Body$55+$100+

Note: These are base prices for character only. Does not include background and other elements.

additional character80% of the base priceper one extra character in the canvas (not applicable on icon/close up shot)
BackgroundRanges from 50-150Simple background only. Not accepting intricate/too detailed request as of the moment.
Distinct detailsVaries per detail, ranges from 30-100 USDVaries per element (ex: tattoo, custom accessories, details clothes, etc.)
commercial use (1)Commercial (broadcast) use rights: 200% of the base pricedigital market: digital advertising/used like vlogs, streams, L2D models/Vtuber, intros on Youtube, Twitch, etc..
commercial use (2)Commercial (broadcast+distribution) use rights: 250% of the base pricedigital + physical market includes: mass production, selling, book cover for publishing, logo, sticker, merchandise, prints, etc.


ScaleFlat ColorShaded
Full body$30+$50+

Note: These are base prices for character only. Does not include background and other elements.

additional character80% of the base priceper one extra character in the canvas (not applicable on icon/close up shot)
Distinct details, propsRanges from 10-50 USD/EURVaries per detail (ex: tattoo, custom accessories, details on clothes clothes, etc.)
commercial use (1)180% of the base pricedigital market: digital advertising/used like vlogs, streams, L2D models/Vtuber, intros on Youtube, Twitch, etc..
commercial use (2)200% of the base pricedigital + physical market includes: mass production, selling, book cover for publishing, logo, sticker, merchandise, prints, etc.